Thursday, 13 September 2012

Lost Luggage

Okay, here's the thing. My family is going overseas but we're going separately via QANTAS. My mother and brother left this morning and my dad and I leave tomorrow morning. My mum has taken my luggage with her and shs's already at the destination. She phoned like 30mins ago to say that one of the luggages had gone missing. No surprises it was mine.
All my stuff was in it and we still don't know where it's been lost because we're all on transfer flights so it could be lost in Location A (meaning it never left the airport), or Location B (most possible since the luggage was transfers to another plane by airport staff and wasn't seen for more than 1 and a 1/2 hrs) or in Location C (highly unlikely as the suitcases are immediately transferred to the conveyor belt after unloading).
We still don't know if QANTAS is going to compensate for the loss if it's not found or not but I hope they do because:
1) It'll be bad for business if word gets around they are still unreliable
2) There is probably over $500 worth of stuff in that suitcase, not including the actually suitcase which cost around $80
3) I don't want to be walking around naked in Location C because's that weird and inappropriate.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Males... aka idiots/douche bag/jerk/moron etc. that list could go on for a while

Guys. I bet you right now you could probably think of so many words to describe them in a blink of an eye. Some might be really nice like lovable or sexy. Others might include some of the words listed above. Now don't get my wrong, I've met my fair share of both the adorable and the d*cks but probably less of the sweet and reliable kind.
Frankly, I'm glad that I'm single because heartbreak is not something that anyone likes. Though I'm sure we can all relate in that we all might sometimes miss that cuddly, warm body against ours. Don't we? I am especially now when you feel unloved by everyone in this world we call Earth.


CeeBella Out

Saturday, 4 August 2012


Technology is supposed to help us. Yes it does but when it doesn't, you feel like bashing it up. Like for instance, I just found out that, being the idiot I am, left my USB at school and hadn't made any back up copies of it at home. The worst is yet to come. I have my entire 800 word plan on the USB as well in which I need in order to complete this English analysis by Monday which is in two days time now.
Another is stupid copyright making it impossible to plagiarize assignment. Don't we all wish we could though? I would be lying if I said that I had never copied something off Wikipedia because come on, who hasn't? I know you're lying!! Okay anyway what makes it unfair though is when someone does copy their entire assignment and then, gets a higher mark than you when you have put in so much more effort. Doesn't seem fair does it? I certainly didn't think so though even if she was my friend.

Anyway now I'm rambling so CeeBella out :)


Isn't it a sign when you are going to take one of the most important exams in your life and as you get driven there, you see someone wearing a BMC team uniform and you immediately think of Cadel Evans and how hard he had to per severe to get where he is now?
Then there is the dramas of balancing school, work and play in your life... did anyone tell you that it's not easy? School and musical rehearsal yesterday, Assignment and exam today and school musical tomorrow. I guess you know where my weekend when. Out the door that's where. Now the issue isn't my free time anymore, it's time to find time to do the things I want to and have to do that I shouldn't need to. Like for instance, writing and editing stories on Wattpad, scrapbooking and general mantainance because guys are sexist bastards (pardon my french) who can't get off their lazy butts and help me and my mum around the house.
Oh well, it's nature isn't it?

-CeeBella Out